In the original Vegeta treats all of his unworthy opponents - read everyone except those whom he knows/come to know how dangerous they are, or Kakarot - with equal amounts of condescending disdain, regardless of gender or race. Here, when 18 is brought up, Vegeta refers to her as bitch, hinting that he's not only still bitter about her beating him, but is fully willing to have her absorbed out of spite for humiliating him in addition to his curiosity of Cell's Perfect form. CHI CHI PENT UP AGGRESSION ANDROID
In the original, Vegeta had long since given up his grudge over his defeat of Android 18 and his decision to allow the monster to absorb her is out of curiosity of his perfect form, with her being a secondary factor. The conversation with Semi-Perfect Cell has a very subtle one.There are indications that he's mellowing out like his canon version as he spends more time on Earth and around Bulma and Trunks. Here, he's openly, hilariously evil, actively denies any possible mitigating factors from his upbringing, and does many of his cruel acts with joyful sadism.
Adaptational Jerkass: The original series portrayed Vegeta as a gradually softening Byronic Hero whose villainy was caused largely by Freeza's treatment of him. Having said that, he still gets played by Goku and Cell, especially the latter where Vegeta saw it coming and still let himself fall victim to his pride. Even in the later seasons where he's undergone Sanity Slippage, he's still prone to Surrounded by Idiots moments. While Vegeta's analytical side and common sense has taken a hit like everyone else in the Abridged series, at the same time the series tends to make him smarter relative to everyone else and often paints him as the Only Sane Man in the earlier seasons. Adaptational Intelligence: Zig-zagged. Acquired Situational Narcissism: He becomes even more insufferable than usual after being crowned King of New Planet Vegeta in Broly Abridged. AcCENT upon the Wrong SylLABle: "Moostache". Ultimately Vegeta and Trunks part on good terms, but with Vegeta showing his affection by exchanging flipped birds with his son. In Episode 1 of Dragon ShortZ, Nappa implies that as a baby, either Nappa himself or King Vegeta repeatedly shook him while screaming that he would always be weak and never become king, and this "gave him a complex." Also he was force-fed coffee beans, which stunted his growth. With those kind of role models, growing up to become a terrible father yourself is inevitable. Also, Vegeta had King Vegeta, Nappa, and Freeza as his father figures. The problem is that Vegeta has a very skewed idea of what proper parenting is due to both his own childhood and being a Saiyan, and thinks that the only way to raise his son is to abuse and belittle him so he'll become tougher and stop acting "weak." After their year in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, Vegeta is a bit more respectful toward his son, and he genuinely becomes proud of his son when Trunks stands up to him. It is implied in a lot of Vegeta's dialogue that he does care about Trunks and wants his future son to be strong and succeed. What does it take for Vegeta to show legitimate concern for him? Watching him bleed out and die in front of his eyes. What does it ultimately take for Vegeta to finally start treating Future Trunks with more respect? Trunks blasting him for letting Cell absorb 18. Judging from Future Trunks' thoughts about exiting the Hyperbolic Time Chamber and hearing the "first bit of positive reinforcement in over a year" from Goku talking about his hair, said training didn't fix their relationship much either.
The way he behaves, it's as if he's deliberately going out of his way to be a terrible parent to Trunks. In the next episode, he punched Trunks for saying that Goku was stronger than him. In Episode 38 alone, he's called Future Trunks a literal bastard, a failure, and a disappointment twice.Abusive Alien Parents: Goku, Chi-Chi, and Piccolo may not have done a great job of raising Gohan, but Vegeta makes them look like "Parents of the Year.".
However, though he might not be fond of the idea, Vegeta slowly becomes a close ally of the Z Fighters, even starting a family with Bulma, though currently he still remains an Anti-Villain. After a grueling battle with Goku, Vegeta continues to try and get stronger, hoping to be able to defeat his fellow Saiyan for humiliating him on Earth. The Prince ( technically King) of All Saiyans and one of the last members of his race, he initially comes to Earth to gain immortality from the Dragon Balls, only to be confronted by the Z Fighters.